Managing back pain

a ramble on why it hurts and some ideas on what to do about it

Back pain—it’s a common issue that many/most of us face at some point in our lives. Unlike other types of pain, it doesn't strike overnight. Instead, it's the result of a culmination of factors over time. Here’s a straightforward look at why back pain happens and how you can manage it effectively.

Why Does Back Pain Occur?

  1. Your Lack of Trying: ‘it’s hard’ - honey, I know. But that doesn’t give you an out to not try to be healthy. Your body is not a burden, but it is both a responsibility and an opportunity. So go for a swim, get your steps in, lift weights and generally be healthy. Whatever you like, but don’t stop trying.

  2. Sometimes - Shit Happens: Injuries, accidents and sickness. Sometimes they are unavoidable. But trying to be fit and healthy and help to curb their severity and decrease your recovery time.

  3. Your Excellent Posture: You might be great at some positions, but you can’t stay there all the time. The best posture is the next posture, and you need to be able to be comfortable in loads of positions, not just one very stiff, very upright position.

  4. Age & Fear: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and bone strength, contributing to back pain. This is scary. Which makes pain worse because we avoid anything that might (not a guarantee) cause us pain. Refer to point 1 for my thoughts here

Strategies for Managing Back Pain

  1. Try: “I’ve tried everything” - But has actually gotten a single massage and went to the gym for a week with no change. A short term intervention is TWELVE (12) weeks. You’ve got to give things a good crack before chucking in the towel.

  2. Get good at moving: What do you enjoy? Running? Pilates? Squats? Hockey? Diving? Start there. Then learn out to get better at it. Read, watch, learn, absorb, grow and then improve.

  3. Be Healthy: With the wealth of information out there it isn’t super hard to know what is good and bad. There is a lot of people that will talk in ultimatums (which I don’t believe in), saying “you have to do this” or that. Rubbish. Don’t let perfect get in the way of good.

  4. Improve: If you enjoy it you’re more likely to stick with it for more than 12 weeks. Start with small sustainable changes to be slightly healthier/fitter and get better at it over time.

  5. Don’t Stop: There’s always something you can do. Persist.

When to Seek Help

If your back pain persists for more than a few weeks or is severe, it’s probably time to go and see someone about it. Click here. After all, it’s not your full time job to understand bodies. But if you have given it a go, and want some further guidance, we are happy to help. We will shed light on the root cause, and management of your back pain.

Until next time,

Coach Dyl


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